Your Money Story Grows On Trees

What happens when you properly water and provide sunlight to your favorite plant?

A lively, beautiful plant 🌱

You may not see anything right away when working the necessities, but you know that it’s what the plant needs to grow.

Now, you may forget from time to time to water it…(God knows I have! 😅)

Though regardless you know with certainty that if you give it time and take the right actions, your plant WILL grow and be everything it can be!


What’s your money tree look like?

I believe everyone knows what to do in life, we just don’t do it.

Save, Invest, Repeat. Right?

(If only I invested more, how much more ahead I could be!! But hey, it’s a decision I made)

In today’s world, another issue I believe is vision for longevity.

It’s hard for us to emotionally connect to the future, when we have that one thing we want to buy right now…that we are emotionally connected to buying 😅

I challenge you, like I challenge myself, to cast that vision for our lives and tie them to the present actions we take for our “money tree 🌲 “

And then check out my conversation with Lloyd Ross, Entreprenuer and Author of “Money Grows on Trees” on The Trey Angle

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