Your Money Story Grows On Trees

What happens when you properly water and provide sunlight to your favorite plant?

A lively, beautiful plant 🌱

You may not see anything right away when working the necessities, but you know that it’s what the plant needs to grow.

Now, you may forget from time to time to water it…(God knows I have! 😅)

Though regardless you know with certainty that if you give it time and take the right actions, your plant WILL grow and be everything it can be!


What’s your money tree look like?

I believe everyone knows what to do in life, we just don’t do it.

Save, Invest, Repeat. Right?

(If only I invested more, how much more ahead I could be!! But hey, it’s a decision I made)

In today’s world, another issue I believe is vision for longevity.

It’s hard for us to emotionally connect to the future, when we have that one thing we want to buy right now…that we are emotionally connected to buying 😅

I challenge you, like I challenge myself, to cast that vision for our lives and tie them to the present actions we take for our “money tree 🌲 “

And then check out my conversation with Lloyd Ross, Entreprenuer and Author of “Money Grows on Trees” on The Trey Angle

Listen Here

The Cup of Joe Shock - What Makes Coffee Bad For You

Hey, everybody. Today I'm going to be talking about something that was going on in my mind today, which was a headache because I was off of coffee.

Honestly, it's just because I've been lazy to go get some new coffee. but the thing is, I've done this a couple of times before, and I would get off of coffee, just, just, you know, kind of do it wean off of it because I do not understand that it is something that is addictive.

Right. But we all love it. And we all feel like we need it first thing in the morning. but anyway, my reasoning wasn't to get off of it, just to get off of it, it was really just because I wanted to, 
But anyway, the reason why I bring it up is that I'm curious.

I mean, is it just me or, or does everybody else get headaches from getting this coffee?!

And this is actually something that I had the opportunity to ask. Andrew Salsbury, with Dr. Cheng, Ruan. I remember we were all kind of, meeting once and this was a question that actually Dr. Cheng Ruan had the opportunity to ask, Andrew Salisbury.

Andrew Salisbury's, CEO/ Co-Founder, of a company called Purity Coffee. And, I'll put the link in the show notes (

What's what was interesting about that is he was saying the reasoning for people putting, people, putting the correlation of having a headache with coffee is because of the toxins in coffee. 
Andrew says that actually shouldn't be something that is the norm for people. So number one, I'm thinking I need to get his coffee again because it was delicious. and it was actually an opportunity I had to work with them for a little bit, which was awesome last year, but another thing, is, it just because it's their coffee or is it actually something further because, I do, I do know that that's happened to me before.

I'm trying to remember right now if that happened to me whenever, and if I did get it off of coffee, whenever I was using purity coffee, but anyway, I'll put that link in the show notes because what's super cool. Was he talked about, the, the power of coffee in general and all the acts, any oxidants and how, you know, science and, some of the, some of the doctors from, you know, decades ago, before we had all the research that we had now was talking about how coffee was bad, but that was kind of whenever copy was, you know, that's, whenever, I'm sorry, doctors were smoking cigarettes inside their office. 
I mean, that's kind of when they made that point. So if we put it in a perspective like that, it's a little different. but the thing is it, it's just a question I'm curious about, to ask you all is if that's ever happened to you, because I'll tell you what it, it definitely affected my day. I actually, I had green tea instead, which was great, but it's a different energy than it is for coffee for me at least. so anyway, it's just something that I was curious about to see if that's, that's what you guys do, but I will say this when I do drink coffee, which is mostly out all the time that I ensure I make sure of it, that number one, my coffee is organic. I'm really big on that. And the reason why that helped change at all is what I learned from Andrew Salsbury and the team at purity coffee. 
What's insane is that's, that's something that not a lot of people think about is how clean their coffee is and how, you know, really the quality of it, which is super interesting. Cause again, we all drink it and something I learned from, from, you know, purity coffee, and Andrew was the fact that most coffee beans are roasted three to four months ago. He's especially Starbucks. Cause think about it. If you really, really think about it, you get your coffee bean, you know, you, maybe you have a ground already, which let's say it is ground. You do get ground coffee from the store. Think about that. When was it, when was it actually like grounded then When was it roasted When was that picked and all the steps in between to get to your fresh cup of coffee 
Is it really that fresh?

And that question blew my mind and that kind of insight blew my mind because I didn't think twice about it. And then when you think about when was it roasted, but what's the quality of it? How was that grown? What kind of soil was that you used?

You know, this can be a little bit of a tree hugger or hippie-ish, type of outlook on my coffee, but it's kinda how I have with a lot of stuff that I eat and put in my body.

But the thing is there are actual studies and research that show the reasoning behind this. and I can't go into that type of research cause I don't understand it to the fullest that they do. And honesty would be a disservice to you all, but I'm really, I tell you that you should absolutely check out the podcast that Dr. Cheng Ruan hosted with Andrew.

Have you guys ever had a headache from not having coffee, like a withdrawal?

If so, let me know, put in the comments, but, you know, hit me on a social and, and share that with me.
I can't remember the name of those toxins right now, but they're long, super long words, but what's crazy is just the fact that these things, that, again, we don't recognize when we drink it or even when we're we eat certain foods, but they can affect us and us and us never know it.

Of course, I know that that stuff may come with age, right. But I know I can mitigate a lot of that stuff if I just take care of my health and focus on what I put in and on my body, which I'm growing and learning every single day.

So, I hope to share a lot of that information with you guys. Some of it will be from me, but mostly it's going to be for some amazing people too, that I learned from, because that's how I originally got to the information.

So I hope you're doing good! Again, if you have those answers, share with me.

But, I'm curious, what is it that you're learning in health?

So hope you're all having to go in and talk soon. 

Listen to Full Episode on The Trey Angle - Spotify, Stitcher and iTunes

This Is How You Lead

Gary Vaynerchuk is definitely a "virtual mentor" of mine. I've been to one of his keynotes, read his books, been on Episode 14 of the #AskGaryVee Show, listened to an audiobook or two and consider myself apart of the Vayner Nation.. So definitely has helped me grow as I've been working towards my goals. 

But this post right here had a real impact for me! It's just the straight truth. Something I believe everyone should read, managers especially or those who are leading others. It's not always about doing it by the book or the guidelines.. what I'm trying to say is you have to always be pushing that status quo. You have to be doing what others aren't willing to do and go that extra mile for your team. Truly listen to the problems going on and then work them out together, not telling people what to do all the time. 

Who am I kidding? I don't run a 400+ employee company. So how about you have it said to ya from Gary himself.

The Most Valuable Skill Every Recruiter Overlooks󾔧 󾔧 󾔧 󾔧 󾔧 I have a secret for all of you.A four hundred person...

Posted by Gary Vaynerchuk on Thursday, August 20, 2015

What Have You Learned Today?

I remember being a kid and my parents used to always ask me after school, "What did you learn today?" And as I thought of that I wondered, why don't we still apply that to our lives today? 

What are you doing on a daily basis to learn? You're learning every day, can be good or bad. Are you watching the news and learning all the bad that's going on in the world or are you focusing on the positive?  Are you learning more about what you love, your passion? Are you becoming better at your skills? Did you fail today? Because when you fail, you learn from your mistakes and try again. You have to learn, you have to continue to stretch and grow. If you don't then you're complacent and that's one of the most deadliest things.

Everyday I try to learn something new about myself and this wonderful world we live in. I'm always reading, watching videos, listening to audio programs and just surrounding myself with things to help grow my mind. Once you control your mind and the way you think, you control you're life. Some may say I'm crazy for all that, but crazy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. 

Again that's why I've made this blog, to show you a little of what I'm learning on a day to day basis. Maybe just one of you read this and it makes that lightbulb go off. That's what I'm doing this for, to positively impact as many people as possible. For one day one to say, "Because of Trey..I never gave up." Or "Trey helped me believe in myself and believe that I can achieve everything I've dreamed of." 

So now I ask you, what have you learned today? 

It's a Livestyle. Choose to live it, you deserve it.  

Truth Begins Within

Every problem and every answer come from within. All beginning from a thought. See thoughts become beliefs, which turns into action and becomes reality. The power of thought is so over looked, so many people don't understand the power you hold from what you speak and think about. 

I was reading a story I get from this newsletter and it was talking about "My Reputation with Me" and what one thinks of theirself. How we can believe what others have to say about us as the truth, especially when we were younger. It really had me thinking, because I remember dealing with that in intermediate school, being in a public school for the first time. From having 25 people in the whole grade to having 30 people in just one class was a huge shift for me. I guess you can say "trying to fit in" was what I was doing. Talking with different people and hearing different things, not knowing what to believe. At that age I cared what others perceived of me because I was just trying to make some friends. You hear some good and bad things, "You're this.." And "You are ______ " and I began to believe some of this as true. 

As I grow, you start to see that they aren't so much talking about you, but more about theirself and their insecurities. You have to be able to know who you are as a person and know your worth. Really get to know yourself and be certain of it so that others opinions don't matter. It can be the littlest things like, "You're so forgetful." If you believe what they say as true, then you just gave them power over you. Choose who you want to be. Just decide and work towards that daily.

Believe in the truth, begin to see the positive aspects of yourself and the world around you. It all begins from within, what are you telling yourself? What do I see that makes me...ME? 

My Back Already Hurts...(Meditation)

I've been told by many that I should try out meditation. From the many people I look up to and the studying I've done, I thought I'd give it a shot...again. I've tried mediation several times and actually felt great doing it but never stuck with it. Well I've decided to now, especially after listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger talk about how he practiced transcendental meditation for years, make it a habit every morning to meditate for at least 10 minutes.

Gotta say it wasn't perfect, but it was progress. I just love the whole idea of meditation; complete relaxation and clearing your mind to just be one. Couple minutes in my back was getting tight from being in that Buddhist position, but having a cushion under you helps. The main thing was focusing on your breathing and at first your mind wanders, which is perfectly fine, but you just have to accept it and bring yourself back to focusing on your breathing. (I feel like I'm an expert trying to teach you, which I'm definitely not....yet!)

I just thought I'd share my story over my meditation this morning and maybe inspire you to take a deeper look at the practice. If you already meditate then I'd love to hear some pointers and how it's helped you!

It's definitely helped get my day started great! Now to a great meal and even better workout! 

Have a great day! Choose to live it up today, live in the moment and recognize all the things you have to be thankful for, because I feel like we all lose sight of that from time to time. 

Don't exist, live. 

Links & Extras

Listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger talk about meditation with Tim Ferriss.


Attitude is Everything

The other day I was at the gym with my buddy who has been training me. In the beginning of the workout I was making excuses and just knew I wasn't giving it my all. Then my friend was tellin me how the gym is difficult because it's a mind game. That really resignated with me because of the truth behind that. Just like in life, you may want to quit or not push through to finish your set (or in life, journey). This is where your mind comes in play. You have to have that "can do" attitude, or like Nike says, "Just Do It."

Im not saying I'm perfect and I have that "Just Do It" attitude always, that'll be a lie. It's definitely something I continue work on daily. Remember success is a journey. We aren't in a sprint, but a marathon. Just remind yourself that you are doing this day by day, getting better and better as you strive to make your dreams into reality. 

Self talk is so important. Turn your conscious mind into your success coach. Constantly reminding you what you're playing for and telling you to keep pushing, because "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."